Note: each of the methods below has a synchronous counterpart which you can use by appending "Sync" to the method name (e.g. saveSync)


You can add data to your table by using insert() or save() on the table instance:

//single record
db.products.insert({sku: "TEST", name: "My Product", price: 12.00}, function(err, res){
  //full product with new id returned

//bulk insert using an array
db.products.insert([{name: "A Product"}, {name: "Another Product"}], function (err, res) {
  //results returned as array


You can update your table directly, running a partial update as specified:

//up the price to $15
db.products.update({id: 1, price: 15.00}, function(err, res){
  //full product with new id returned

//does the same thing since we're passing id, which is the PK{id: 1, price: 15.00}, function(err, res){
  //full product with new id returned

//updates multiple products
db.products.update({in_stock: true}, {in_stock: false}, function(err, res) {
  //all updated products returned

//using an IN list
db.products.update({id: [1, 2]}, {price: 123.45}, function(err, res) {
  //all updated products returned

//using a NOT IN list
db.products.update({'id !=': [1, 2]}, {price: 543.21}, function(err, res) {
  //all updated products returned


Instead of invoking insert() and update() separately you can use the save() method to cover both cases. When Massive loads your tables, it notes which columns are primary keys. If a primary key column is included in the data passed to save(), whether in object or array form, Massive will assume the call is an update for an existing row or rows identified by that primary key. Otherwise it will emit an insert and add new rows.

save() may be invoked on an Array of new objects just like insert(), in which case it will return the result as an Array. Using save() to update an Array of objects is not supported; you should use update() with criteria or an IN list instead.{sku: "TEST", name: "My Product", price: 12.00}, function(err, res) {
  //full product with new id returned
});{id: 1, price: 13.00}, function(err, res) {
  //assuming this is the product from the previous call, returns that product with an id of 1 and an updated price of 13.00
});[{sku: "TEST", name: "My Product", price: 12.00}, {sku: "SAMPLE", name: "Another Product", price: 6.00}], function(err, res) {
  //array containing both products returned

Destroying Data

Just use the destroy method, specifying the criteria you want deleted. Any records removed are passed to the callback in an Array. destroy() will never return a single object.

db.products.destroy({id: 1}, function(err, res){
  //Array containing the destroyed record is returned

db.products.destroy({category_id: 1}, function(err, res){
  //Array containing all now-deleted records with category id 1 returned